Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fresh Fruit Tart with Pastry Creme

Since it's Sunday I wanted to make something special for tonite. Fruit tarts are one of my all time favorite desserts- first of all, they're absolutely beautiful to look at with all the colorful glistening fruits artfully arranged on the top of a creamy middle and buttery crust. I have to admit that I'm a bit of a fruit tart snob though. I won't settle for just any run of the mill fruit tart. It has to be filled with pastry creme, non of this fluffy whipped cream in the middle for me. You may be thinking, what is pastry creme then? Well, it's the same custard-y smooth rich filling that's in eclairs. Yum yum yummy yum....
After heading to the store for ingredients, I immediately set to work on the pastry creme. It's not very difficult to make, but it does require a few hours in the refrigerator to set after cooking. The girls helped me to stir and simmer the custard and were more than willing to lick the spoons :)
After the pastry creme was sufficiently chilled, Sophie helped me to spoon the filling over the crust. I arranged the fruits on the top and after eating dinner, it was finally time for dessert.

Noelle just couldn't wait to eat her slice. The fresh fruit tart with pastry creme was delicious, but the sweetest treat of all turned out to be the girls help in the kitchen and their giddy excitement about the dessert we made together.

Fresh Fruit Tart with Pastry Creme (makes 1 11 inch tart)
2 cups half and half
1/2 cup sugar
pinch of salt
5 large egg yolks, chalazae removed (see note at bottom)
3 T. cornstarch
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
4 T. unsalted butter cut into small cubes
pie shell
fresh fruit (berries, orange segments, kiwis etc...)
1/2 cup apple or red currant jelly

Heat half and half, 6 T. sugar and salt in a medium sized saucepan over medium heat until simmering, stirring occasionally to dissolve the sugar.
Meanwhile, whisk egg yolks in bowl until thoroughly combined. Whisk in remaining 2 T. sugar and whisk until sugar has begun to dissolve and mixture is creamy. Whisk in cornstarch until combined and mixture is pale yellow and thick, about 30 seconds.
When half and half mixture reaches a full simmer, gradually whisk about half of the simmering half and half into yolk mixture to temper. Return mixture to saucepan, scraping bowl with rubber spatula. Return to simmer over medium heat, whisking constantly until mixture is thickened and glossy. Off heat, whisk in butter and vanilla. Transfer creme to medium bowl, press plastic wrap directly on surface, and refrigerate until cold and set, at least 3 hours or up to 48 hours.
Thaw pie crust and press into tart pan with removable bottom and bake according to directions on package. Remove from oven and set aside to completely cool.
When tart shell is completely cool, spread cold pastry creme over bottom. Arrange fruit on top of pastry creme. Bring jelly to a boil. When completely melted, brush or dab onto fruit. Serve immediately or refrigerate uncovered for up to 30 minutes.

*note: chalazae are the cordlike strands of egg white protein that are attached to the yolks. Remove them gently with your fingers.


  1. We need more of this stuff (next time warn me of the cream portion of it).

  2. yes! we must make this again sometime soon.... YUMMY!!! :)
